Prof. Dr. Alicia Durán
Prof. Durán is Research Professor of CSIC and the leader of the GlaSS Research Group of the Ceramic and Glass Institute. With more than 190 papers in SCI journals, she accounts more than 90 in sol-gel materials, including 6 patents and 8 PhD theses in this field. Sealing glasses for SOFC is other key topic with more than 30 papers and also materials for electrolytes in PEMFC and in Li-batteries with other 30 papers. She has developed sol-gel coatings for corrosion protection of metals, including different metallic substrates and functionalities, as bioactivation of metals used in orthopaedic prosthesis and self-healing protection of light alloys. Photocatalytic behaviour of mesostructured coatings and membranes with high protonic conductivity are other key issues. Controlled crystallisation processes, nanostructure glass-ceramics for photonic applications and modification of melting process for energy saving and lower emissions in glass furnaces are also under development. She accounts with a wide experience in European projects participating from 1992 in different FP4, FP5, FP6 and FP7 projects, both STREP and IP in the last calls. The cooperation program CYTED, focused in training and research of Latin American countries, was another main goal for 10 years including 10 countries and 16 partners from academy and industry. She also participates in the Technical Committee 23 (Education and Training) of International Commission on Glass, being the responsible of the Training Associated with document Ref. Ares(2017)278766 - 18/01/2017 739566 FunGlass –Part B - 64 Team of ICG, and giving courses in different countries (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, India, Japan, etc.). She is in charge of the course “Glasses and Glass-ceramics” included in the Master of Applied Chemistry of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM).
Dr. Yolanda Castro
Dr. Castro is Tenure Scientist of CSIC from 2008. She developed her PhD Thesis on corrosion protection of metal substrates and the post-doc in mesostructure sol-gel coatings in University Pierre Marie Curie in Paris. After coming back to CSIC she leads a research line in photocatalytic properties of mesoporous and mesostructure coatings, continuing also with corrosion protection coatings with corrosion inhibitors. She accounts with more than 45 papers in SCI journals, all dedicated to sol-gel coatings, including 30 related to corrosion protection of metallic substrates.
Dr. María Jesús Pascual
Dr. Jesús Pascual is Tenure Scientist of CSIC from 2007. She developed her PhD Thesis in sealing glasses for MCFC further developing sealing glass-ceramics for SOFC. She is expert in materials characterisation and materials technology, in particular in glasses and glass-ceramics produced by melting. She also works in transparent oxyfluoride nano-glass-ceramics with photonic applications. She accounts with more 70 papers in the SCI journals, mainly dedicated to sealing glasses and nano glassceramics.
Dr. Francisco Muñoz
Francisco Muñoz is PhD in Chemistry by UAM, Madrid from 2003 and Tenured Scientist since 2009 at the Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (CSIC), after pos-doc stages in Rennes, Lille and Jena. His main research lines are centered on the relationships between the structure and properties of phosphate and oxynitride phosphate glasses, focusing on transport properties such as viscosity, electrical conductivity and chemical durability. He is coauthor of about 60 SCI publications and supervisor of 2 PhD theses. He participates in the TC03 technical committee of the ICG and is secretary of the Glasses Section of the Spanish Society for Ceramics and Glass.
Prof. Dr. Alicia Durán
Dr. Yolanda Castro
Dr. María Jesús Pascual